What a busy age we are at! Hannah is constantly on the move. Even though she didn't truly crawl until her 9-month birthday, she certainly moved all over the place. She figured out how to move to wherever she needed/wanted to be by rolling and rolling and then turning on her belly and rolling and rolling some more. She also was pretty good and scooting on her belly backwards, looking behind her to see where she was going. That was pretty cute. Unfortunately, one of the things I have learned from all of this "belly-scooting" is just how dirty my hardwood floors seem to be. I'm going to have to become a lot more faithful and cleaning all the floors in my house.
When it comes to communicating, Hannah is so "talkative." She is saying things like "dada" and "mama," but not necessarily to myself or Jeremy. We get a lot of other "words" as well and lots and lots of shrieking. Mainly, I think, because she can. Thankfully, we have a VERY patient dog, who just sort of raises her head or push her head further under a pillow or something.
We're working with Hannah on using her spoon - which really just means while we're feeding her, we give her a spoon to play with. When she manages to get it in her mouth correctly, we celebrate and clap and cheer. We're doing the same with a sippy cup. So far she's not all that impressed with the sippy cup, but we're working on it.
Hannah loves to jump up and down. If we could spend all day holding her hands and helping her jump, she would love it. Sadly, she weighs almost 21 pounds and that's a lot of child to keep pulling into the air! I'm certainly getting in a workout every time we play! She loves to dance around with me to music, which we do in the privacy of our own home because I certainly can't dance. But Hannah doesn't know that, so that's okay! :)
She's taking more of an interest in listening to books and helping turn the pages. Although sometimes it just turns into a time of trying to eat the books and that's okay too. I also introduced her to the piano a few weeks ago. I'm not sure how she feels about it yet, but she was certainly intrigued by it.
I know I say it often, but I'm going to say it again. She is just so much fun and I don't know that I could love her more than I do.