Friday, January 30, 2009

Only in the Movies? Apparently Not.

This morning, my good friend, and fellow 4th grade teacher, Karen, came walking into the room and said, "You'll never guess what I just dealt with on the playground." Not being a good guesser, especially without coffee in my system, I waited for Karen to share the news.  "[Student]  just stuck his tongue to a pole out on the playground." 

Yup, just like that great Christmas move, A Christmas Story.  Except, here's the kicker, no one dared him to do it.  He just did it.  On his own.  Can I just remind you that I live in Michigan, where it has currently been in the single digits in the morning?  What in the world was he thinking?  Oh wait, he wasn't thinking! :)  

The morning recess ladies had to go get hot water from the school building to put on his tongue so they could get him off the pole.

This is why I love my job.