Saturday, September 13, 2008

Learning to Breathe...

Jeremy and I just got home from our weekend childbirth class. Because of our schedules, we were unable to take a traditional five week long class. Instead, we took a class that was held for three and a half hours on Friday night and then six and a half hours today. Everything all in one weekend.

Well, the most important thing to note is that we survived. Neither one of us is feeling particularly overwhelmed right now, which I think is a positive sign. More importantly, we both made it through the class without strangling this one guy in our class who was totally obnoxious. Seriously, he's lucky to still be alive! :) Truthfully though, neither one of us was surprised to have an obnoxious person in class. Between the two of us, we've taken enough classes to keep our respective professional licenses valid, that we know with classes will come an obnoxious student or two.

I think it's safe to say that we have had our share of breathing practice and pushing practice and bathing a baby practice. Personally, I think a lot of the stuff that was covered was common sense, but at the same time, it was good to hear some of it as well. I think we both feel a little more secure and a little more ready. This is good since we only have about four weeks left...hopefully! :)

I'll leave you with this..."hee, hee, who."


Jen Rouse said...

I was horrible at the breathing. The whole hee hee who thing did not help me a bit, and trying to do it in a particular rhythm was just too confusing for poor little completely non-rhythmic me. More than I could handle when I was already under stress! I just took long, slow breaths and that worked really well.

Also, there was an obnoxious guy in our class as well. At one point Eric said something, and this guy thought it would be funny to bark like a dog in response. It was very, very odd.

Erin Morgan said...

Glad to hear you had a good class. Will you be taking a Breastfeeding class too? Or do you have others that can help you when you get home from the hospital? Only 4 weeks to go. Isn't it crazy? Make sure you go on a nice date or night away with you and Jeremy. Make these last week special! Take Care!