Saturday, September 27, 2008

Two Weeks and Counting

Well, we're only two weeks away from the almighty due date. It's hard to believe that we have finally arrived at this point. Back in February, when we realized we were pregnant, October seemed so very far away. Now, October seems almost frighteningly close.

Technically, we're ready. The crib is set up, the car seat has been installed in the car, we have clothes coming out of our ears, diapers are in place, our hospital bags have been packed, the house is relatively clean, and I have lesson plans figured out for, at least, the next two weeks.

Physically? I'm beyond ready to be done. I'm ready to lose my "waddle." I'm ready to not need to use the bathroom every time I take a sip of water. I can't wait to see my toes again. When it comes to sleeping, I can't wait to be able to roll onto my stomach.

Mentally? Well, we're as ready as we can be. I'm fairly certain that you are never truly ready, but we're getting there. We're certainly ready to meet this little girl and welcome her to our family.

It's our prayer that these last two weeks, or less, or more, go quickly and smoothly. We're praying for a safe (and maybe painless??) delivery. :) We're praying that God will enable us to be the kind of parents that we need to be. That He will give us the strength that we will need when life seems overwhelming.

I realize this is a rambling post, so I apologize for that, but my thoughts are all rambled these days. I hope you understand. :)


Jen Rouse said...

Believe me, being able to sleep comfortably in whatever position you feel like is just as awesome as you remember it being.

Erin Morgan said...

Oh, I do understand. I've been praying for you and will continue to pray for these last few weeks. Remember to cherish each day before she arrives. These are precious times for you and Jeremy. Enjoy the quiet house and an uninterrupted movie. :) And the physical feelings are only temperary. You will be able to role over and see your feet again. Blessings, all in themselves!

Hugs to you!!

Trisha said...


I am praying for you these last few days...they are such exciting but sometimes scary times as you wait for your little girl to arrive. Take a lot of naps and enjoy the times you have with Jeremy!