Saturday, September 13, 2008

Still Alive...

I apologize for taking so long to post something new. The first two weeks of school have been absolutely crazy. Much crazier then in the past, that's for sure.

In reflecting on the first two weeks, I have to be honest. I have a feeling it might be an incredibly long year. Truthfully, it has nothing to do with being pregnant because my teaching partner, who is not expecting, and the other teachers in my wing all feel the same way. It just feels like we will definitely have to work harder than we have ever worked before. I can't really explain it, so don't ask, it's just the "vibe" at school right now. :)

That being said, I do have some real sweet kids in my class. I have a couple of girls who are just so sweet and kind, it's wonderfully refreshing! I have a few boys who have a great personality and who I really think I'll enjoy teaching this year.

I guess I just have to remember that each year is different. I'm sure that by the end of the year, I'll look back on this time and wonder why I was worried. :)

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